by Eusebe Yode | Dec 9, 2021 | Technology
We all agree upon the fact that technology contribution in all the aspect of life. We know that Technology plays a role in saving lives. Notwithstanding we should not overlook the negativity of technology in parenting. Technology is a cancer affecting parenting, by...
by Eusebe Yode | Dec 28, 2020 | Technology
Every business is created for profit and profit goes with productivity. If you are a macro manager or micromanager type of boss, your unique goal is productivity for profit. For that reason, many businesses did not embrace working from home. So, allowing employees to...
by Eusebe Yode | May 27, 2020 | How To
Many have seen COVID-19 has a foreign issue. No one believed that we would be greatly affected like we have experienced and are still going through. We have never thought that it would control and dictate our lives and livelihoods. Unfortunately, today the globe...
by Eusebe Yode | Feb 14, 2020 | How To, Opinion
We all know the important of creating a strong relationship with customers. In fact it is a key for any business to be successful. I believe for that reason Bart always said, “You must give more than your best for our customers.” The least that the customer can...
by Eusebe Yode | Dec 13, 2019 | Microsoft Dynamics GP
At MIBAR, we work with a variety of solutions, but one of our longest-tenured partnerships is with Microsoft, namely Dynamics GP. In our time, we’ve helped companies implement this familiar solution, upgrade it, and ultimately do more with it. That said, even if the...