Kicking the can down the road, that’s what you do best. You’ve thought about enhancing your business systems a while ago, but then you thought it’d be better to just wait. A new upgrade would be out soon enough anyway.  Here are the top 5 reasons you should continue delaying a modern business management application.

  1. Your customers don’t really care about getting their orders on time, and they definitely don’t need automated email notifications to know when orders are processed, shipped, and invoiced
  2. You’ve already invested in a process to handle OSWO (oh shoot we are out) orders, so you do not need an intelligent system to recommend replenishment quantities
  3. You’ve hired a “data guy” to pull reports from multiple source systems and spend days aggregating info to make it meaningful, and you really just want to keep him busy
  4. Your systems administrator has been eating healthier lately, so you don’t have to worry about anything happening to him that would jeopardize your business or your operating instance
  5. Your team constantly complaints about your systems aging interface and dreadfully slow speed, but you’ve worked hard to consistently tune out their complaints. Of course, you avoid your system like the plague, because, well you know….

If you are looking for more excuses, feel free to reach out, we will tell you everything we’ve heard in over twenty-five years of experience helping mid-market businesses evaluate and implement ERP.

Or, if you want to stop treading and start modernizing your business with an agile business management application, reach out today.

Additional ERP Resources

4 Tips for a Painless ERP Solution Replacement

The Data Dilemma – Managing Data During An ERP Implementation

3 Ways Executives Can Avoid ERP Project Pitfalls

10 Factors That Ensure a Successful ERP Implementation Project