The implementation of an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system holds the potential to revolutionize a business, enhancing its efficiency, scalability, and readiness for expansion. The ripple effects of well-executed ERP deployment resonate throughout the organization, from financial processes to shipping logistics. Forecasts from Grand View Research project the global ERP market to reach nearly $125 billion by 2030, underscoring its significance in modern business strategy.

However, the comprehensive nature of ERP systems also means that a mishandled implementation can spell trouble across various departments, including accounting, inventory management, manufacturing, and sales. According to research by Gartner, a staggering 75% of ERP implementation projects encounter obstacles, rendering failure a prevalent outcome—particularly for businesses embarking on their maiden ERP journeys.

Nonetheless, failure is not an inevitability. To harness the full potential of an ERP rollout and mitigate the risks associated with failure, meticulous planning, execution, and management of the project are paramount.

In this article, we’ll delve into the common pitfalls leading to ERP project failures and offer insights on preempting these risks, alongside practical tips for achieving a successful ERP implementation that yields enduring benefits.

What Causes ERP Implementation Failure?

ERP implementations can fail for a variety of reasons, often stemming from complexities inherent in the process.

Insufficient Planning

When it comes to the failure of ERP implementations, one common factor is inadequate planning and preparation. Businesses may underestimate the scope of the project or fail to conduct thorough assessments of their needs and capabilities. Insufficiently defined objectives and vague project goals can lead to confusion and misalignment among stakeholders, hampering progress from the outset.

Poor Project Management

Poor project management can contribute to failure. Lack of strong leadership, ineffective communication, and inadequate resource allocation can all impede the implementation process. Without clear direction and oversight, teams may struggle to stay on track, resulting in delays, cost overruns, and ultimately, project failure.

Customization Bottlenecks

Another significant challenge is customization and integration issues. ERP systems are often highly customizable to accommodate unique business processes, but excessive customization can introduce complexity and increase the likelihood of errors. Moreover, integrating the ERP system with existing software and systems can be challenging, particularly if proper compatibility assessments and data migration strategies are not in place.

Lack of Change Management Procedures

Resistance to change is also a common barrier to successful ERP implementations. Employees can be reluctant to adopt new technologies and workflows, fearing job displacements or disruptions to familiar routines. Without adequate change management strategies in place, this resistance can undermine user adoption and diminish the system’s effectiveness.

Insufficient Employee Training

Lastly, insufficient training and support can hinder the successful implementation of an ERP system. Employees need adequate training to understand how to use the new system effectively and to adapt to the new processes. Without ongoing support and guidance, users may struggle to navigate the system, leading to frustration and decreased productivity.

How to Avoid ERP Implementation Failures

Once they grasp the risk factors that may lead to ERP implementation failure, organizations can impart strategies to mitigate or eliminate these issues, thus facilitating a successful deployment. From thorough data cleansing to realistic budgeting and the deployment of effective leadership and training strategies, various measures can be adopted to optimize the outcome of ERP rollouts and achieve the highest return on investment possible.

1. Define and Plan Your Goals

Implementing an ERP system entails more than simply clicking on an install button. It requires tailoring the implementation process to suit the unique needs of your company. Crafting a comprehensive roadmap to delineate your ERP implementation goals is essential. A well-structured roadmap serves as a guide, ensuring that you acquire the specific solutions your company requires while effectively navigating potential distractions.

A detailed plan will also help foster cohesion with the implementation team, promoting cooperation and productivity throughout the process. By breaking down the implementation into manageable tasks, a robust roadmap facilitates the attainment of objectives and ensures team alignment and collaboration.

If the idea of devising a plan of this magnitude feels daunting, enlist the expertise of professional consultants, but definitely don’t skip this important step!

2. Establish Who Has Ownership of the Project

An ERP implementation or upgrade project must be viewed as a business initiative rather than solely an IT endeavor. It is crucial for key sponsors and advocates across all levels of the organization to grasp the vision and remain actively involved and motivated to guarantee the project’s success.

However, with that said, it’s important not to have too many cooks in the kitchen. While you need everyone’s buy-in, you also need one person to take the helm and steer the ship.

3. Set a Realistic Budget

Setting a practical budget is a critical component of ERP system selection. Consider not only the upfront software expenses but also factor in implementation, training, maintenance, and ongoing support costs. Assess the expected return on investment (ROI) from the ERP system and align it with your organization’s financial capabilities.

Don’t forget to account for contingency costs. Add a buffer of 20% to 25% for contingency costs to make sure you’ve got coverage for any unexpected delays or necessary scope changes along the way.

4. Clean Up Your Data Before Implementation

Migrating business data from multiple legacy systems into a unified ERP environment is a substantial undertaking necessitating meticulous data management. Merely transferring old data to the new ERP system is insufficient. It’s imperative for businesses to validate data accuracy, address any gaps, remove duplicates, and ensure all information is current. For instance, retaining obsolete supplier information with which the company no longer engages serves to purpose.

Although this data validation process may be time-intensive, it enhances the accuracy, efficiency, and error resilience of a business’s ERP operations in the long run.

5. Set Milestones

Given that your ERP implementation timeline may span from months to years, establishing milestones is crucial in ensuring you set aside enough time to see the project through successfully. These milestones should be categorized into major and minor stages.

Major milestones typically encompass:

  • Discovery and planning
  • Design
  • Development
  • Testing
  • Deployment
  • Ongoing support

Each major milestone comprises several mini-milestones. For instance, during the planning phase, mini-milestones may include selecting team members, appointing a leader, setting timelines, and assigning roles. Utilizing milestones effectively can mitigate ERP implementation risks and ensure focused progress throughout the project timeline.

6. Communicate Clearly

Communication is a critical component to ensure all members of the project team, whether they’re internal or external stakeholders, are on the same page. It’s essential that everyone is aligned toward the same objectives and follows standardized processes, with clearly defined escalation paths.

When companies transition to a new ERP system—particularly if they’ve never had one at all before—the culture shift can feel dramatic to employees. Clear communication will help squelch fears and tamper resistance to change.

7. Train Employees Early and Often

Speaking of getting employees on board—deploying a company-wide solution that impacts multiple departments concurrently represents a significant change. Inadequate training and a lack of readiness among employees to embrace this change pose the most considerable risk to the success of your ERP implementation. Without embracing the change, staff may revert to old processes or resort to manual workarounds.

To prevent ERP adoption failures, it’s advisable to implement the new system in phases. Initially, involve department heads and project managers who can train their respective teams. The enthusiasm and thorough training of these leaders will significantly influence the success of disseminating knowledge to all employees.

8. Test, Test, and Test Some More

The importance of thorough testing and retesting of an ERP system cannot be emphasized enough to minimize risks that may arise before, during, and after its implementation. Testing involves various stages, beginning with pinpoint testing of individual business processes. Subsequently, testing at high workload volumes is conducted to detect and address any capacity-related issues. Finally, companies should conduct a mock go-live, akin to a beta launch of a new technology platform, to evaluate the performance of the ERP system under the full range of demands it will encounter once operational.

Let the MIBAR team at Citrin Cooperman Give You ERP Implementation Guidance

Embarking on your ERP implementation journey, from inception to completion, promises both excitement and challenges. Yet, the potential outcomes are extraordinary.

If you already have an exceptional team in place, equipped with the necessary know-how and dedication to navigate you through every phase of the project, including post-launch support—that’s fantastic! However, if you’re like many organizations and you’re finding yourself in need of additional support, rest assured, you can rely on our expertise and resources to guide you through your ERP implementation journey seamlessly. Reach out to us so we can get started.

Additional Resources

Your ERP Readiness Assessment

ERP Evaluation: Top 5 Usability Factors to Consider

7 Reasons You Need an ERP System

How to Drive Business Growth with ERP Software