AI Business Consulting Services


The use of Artificial Intelligence is no longer just a competitive advantage; it’s a necessity. According to the CNBC Technology Executive Council, more than 50% of organizations plan to purchase AI software within the next six months. If your business has not yet embraced AI, now is the time to do so.

Our team at MIBAR AI Labs functions as the scientists of AI, applying a methodical approach to unravel the complexities of integrating AI into your business. Based on our experience, we collaborate closely with you to determine AI use cases, akin to conducting experiments in a laboratory. By aligning high-impact AI initiatives with your overarching business goals, we create a roadmap that mirrors a meticulously designed experiment, ensuring a strategic and effective implementation of AI for sustained business growth.

Some of our AI consulting services include: 

  • AI Strategy and Roadmap: Our experts work closely with you to identify AI uses cases and craft a comprehensive strategy and roadmap that aligns high-impact AI initiatives with your overarching business goals. We delve into understanding your unique challenges and opportunities, providing you with a clear plan to leverage AI as a strategic enabler for sustained growth.
  • AI Readiness: We conduct a thorough assessment of your existing workflows, current technological capabilities, infrastructure, and organizational readiness. By identifying gaps and potential enhancements, we deliver a roadmap to ensure your readiness for AI adoption.
  • Enterprise Software AI: Our team enables to you to take advantage of advanced AI capabilities within the enterprise applications you already use (ERP software, NetSuite, Microsoft, Power BI, etc.)
  • AI Implementation: From selecting the right technology stack to configuring and deploying AI models, we handle the intricate details of AI implementation and integration.
  • AI Accelerator: Not ready for full-scale AI implementation or just interested in proving its efficacy? Our team can identify high-impact, rapid deployment AI options to get you started quickly.
Microsoft Copilot Services
Cohere AI logo

The Business Impact of AI


of organizations are currently using AI


ROI (for every $1 companies invest in AI, they are realizing an average of $3.5 in return)


Organizations using AI experienced an 18% increase in customer satisfaction, employee productivity, and market share

Practical AI Use Cases for Your Business

Intelligent parsing and data enrichment

Predictive analytics

Customer service automation

Supply chain optimization

Data analysis

Fraud detection and security

Human resources and talent acquisition

Personalized marketing

Financial management and analysis

Content generation and management

Predictive maintenance

AI in Action, Powered by MIBAR AI Labs

Innovative Integration of OpenAI with Microsoft Azure for Enhanced Financial Data Analysis

A company was unable to analyze their financial data effectively due to the non-standardized format of class codes in their ERP system. These codes contained critical data points like Date, City, and Artist, but their unstructured format made it challenging to extract and normalize this information for analysis in Power BI.

MIBAR built a custom connecter in Microsoft Azure to interface with OpenAI’s API. This approach was necessitated by the limitations of existing connectors, which required manual approval for each response – a process not feasible for the client’s needs.


  • Normalized Data for Power BI: The successful extraction and normalization of data points allowed for their integration into Power BI, enabling detailed and precise financial analysis.
  • Automation Benefits: The automation of this process significantly reduced the time and effort needed for data handling, also minimizing the risk of manual errors.

Take the next step on your AI transformation journey! Fill out the form below for a free consultation: