Every now and then it’s good to take a look around the office and ask why certain processes are being completed in certain ways.  The answer may be as simple as ‘we’ve always done it this way,’ but you need to dig deeper than that.  Your business technology could be adding roadblocks to your workload instead of alleviating them.

The processes that we employ every day could be sound or they could be ready for improvement.  Here are a few signs that it may be time for a change:

  1. Redundancy:   Your people enter business data into one specialty solution, pass it through the office, then another person enters the same data into another solution.  Duplicate data entry is counter-productive and can result in mistakes.  Data can get lost, be transcribed wrong, and you could end up with inaccurate results that can lead to poor decision making.
  2. Old data:  Managers need to have real-time data in order to make swift, sound business decisions.  Waiting for data to be passed through the office, entered, analyzed, and reported can take time.  You may not always have time when business decisions need to be made.
  3. Complex systems:  Aging, legacy systems are often complicated.  User interfaces can be confusing and may not capture the data that you need today – which is often why users default to spreadsheets or other solutions which result in redundancy and old data as discussed above.

As you take a look at your most common business processes, consider whether your business systems are supporting business growth or slowing it down.  A more modern solution, such as an enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution can simplify business operations and support your growth goals.  Today’s ERP solutions, such as Microsoft Dynamics® ERP, are integrated.  You can manage financials, supply chain and inventory, manufacturing and distribution operations, human resources and payroll, and other core business functions from one easy-to-learn solution instead of several.  Microsoft Dynamics ERP also offers built-in business intelligence that your managers can access quickly and easily.  The quicker you can access real-time data, the quicker you can respond to new opportunities and customer needs.

It may be time to upgrade outdated business solutions for a more powerful ERP solution. Contact MIBAR.netto discuss how you can keep it simple with ERP.

Additional ERP Resources

The 5 Risks of Using An Outdated ERP Solution

The Data Dilemma – Managing Data During An ERP Implementation

3 Ways Executives Can Avoid ERP Project Pitfalls

Two ERP Implementation Methodologies Compared