In today’s fast-paced business world, companies must be able to quickly and accurately analyze data to gain insights and make informed decisions. Business intelligence (BI) is the process of using technology to transform raw data into meaningful insights that can drive business success. IT executives play a critical role in building a BI culture within their organizations. With this in mind, we’ll explore some strategies IT executives can use to create a data-driven BI culture within their companies.

1. Lead by Example

IT executives should take a data-driven approach to decision-making and demonstrate the benefits of using BI to inform strategy choices. When executives use BI to make decisions, it sets an example for others in the organization to follow.

Leading by example in the context of building a data-driven culture means that IT leaders should use data to inform their decision-making processes. By modeling this behavior, tech teams can demonstrate the value of data-informed strategies and inspire others in the organization to do the same.

Information technology leaders should be open about their reliance on data and demonstrate how they use it to make decisions. For example, they can use data to inform their budgeting decisions or identify areas for process improvement. They can also share stories about times when data helped them make better decisions or avoid costly mistakes.

When senior staffers lead by example, they can create a culture where data is seen as a valuable tool for decision-making. This can help to overcome resistance to chance and encourage employees to embrace data-driven decision-making processes. Furthermore, it can help to build trust in the data and insights derived from it, which is essential for effective BI.

2. Promote Data Literacy

Data literacy is essential for effective BI. IT executives should promote data literacy across the company by providing training and resources to help employees develop their data skills. IT execs can also promote data literacy by making BI accessible and understandable to everyone in the organization.

Promoting data literacy is about ensuring employees across the organization have the skills and knowledge necessary to work with data effectively. It’s not just about IT professionals or data analysts; it’s about empowering everyone in the organization to make data-driven decisions.

One way to promote data literacy is to provide training and resources to employees. This can include courses on basic statistics, data visualization, and data analysis. IT teams can also create a knowledge-sharing culture by encouraging employees to share their experiences and insights with each other.

Another way to promote data literacy is to make BI tools accessible and understandable to everyone in the organization. This means ensure your BI tools are user-friendly and that the data is presented in a way that’s easy to understand. Your leadership team should work with all business units to understand their individual data needs and tailor your BI solutions to meet those needs.

Along the same lines, encourage employees to ask questions and seek out answers in the data. Managers can create a safe environment where workers feel comfortable exploring the data and testing hypotheses. By promoting data literacy, your employees will have a better chance at making data-driven decisions that promote the success of your business.

3. Build a BI Infrastructure

IT leadership should invest in building a BI infrastructure that can effectively store, analyze, and visualize data. The infrastructure should be scalable, secure, and flexible to meet the needs of the organization. Building a BI infrastructure is critical to making business intelligence accessible to everyone within the business.

One of the first steps in building a BI infrastructure is to identify the data sources that are important to your organization. This includes both internal and external sources of data, such as customer data, sales data, and social media data. Once the information sources have been identified, your need can determine how the data needs to be collected, stored, and processed.

The next stop is to select the right BI tools and technologies that’ll be used to analyze the data. This often means looking at data warehousing solutions, data visualization tools, and predictive analytics software. Be sure to consider factors such as cost, scalability, and ease of use when selecting these tools.

4. Establish Data Governance Policies

Data governance policies are necessary for maintaining the accuracy, reliability, and security of BI data. IT leaders should establish data governance policies to ensure the trustworthiness and safety of BI data. These policies also guarantee that the use of BI data is ethical and complies with regulations.

One of the key steps in establishing data governance policies is to define the roles and responsibilities of individuals and teams responsible for managing data with your organization. This often includes designating data stewards who are responsible for ensuring that data is everything it needs to be before others get their eyes on it.

5. Foster Collaboration Between IT and Business Units

IT and business units must work together to build a BI culture. IT executives should foster collaboration between their tech teams and the other business units in the company by involving other teams in the design and implementation of business intelligence initiatives and projects. This collaboration helps to ensure that BI solutions meet the needs of the business as a whole, not just one department.

Leadership should work closely with business units outside of IT to understand what’s most important to them. From there, they can work to design solution that are tailored to those needs. This might involve regular meetings with IT and leaders from outside units to discuss the progress of the BI initiative, identify challenges, and discuss solutions.

Cross-functional team meetings that include members from other departments can be substantially helpful during this process. These teams can work together to design and implement BI solutions, as well as provide a forum for open communication and knowledge sharing between IT and other business units.

6. Measure Success with BI Metrics

IT managers need to use BI metrics to measure the success of their business intelligence initiatives. This includes setting measurable goals and tracking progress towards those goals. Using BI metrics to measure success helps to demonstrate the value of a BI culture and identify areas for improvement.

7. Work with MIBAR – Business Intelligence from MIBAR

Building a data-driven culture is essential for companies that want to remain competitive in today’s fast-paced business world. IT teams play a critical role in this process—leading by example, promoting data literacy, and fostering collaboration between their own ecosystems and the greater business units that operate outside of those spheres. By following these strategies and selecting the right solution, your IT leadership can help to create a business intelligence culture that empowers employees to make better decisions and drive business success.

One such solution is Power BI. Power BI is a suite of cloud-based business intelligence and analytics tools designed to deliver insights across your organization. Leveraging hundreds of available data sources, you can see metrics and business drivers in a new light, slicing and dicing the data how you see fit. Advanced analytics, feature-rich business intelligence, and context-based analytics combine to provide enterprise-level measurement and analysis at a small business cost.

MIBAR has helped companies just like yours to discover, implement, and operate essential business software like Power BI for more than three decades. Ready to learn more? Reach out to our team at MIBAR to find out how we can help transform your day-to-day business into data-driven decisions!

Additional Business Intelligence Resources

Why CIOs Need Business Intelligence

Power BI – Enterprise Ready: Why Business Intelligence Needs to Scale

Top Business Intelligence Use Cases For Your Business

Why Your Organization Needs Business Intelligence This Year