If you have ever experienced a business system crash, you know how frustrating it can be to sit essentially ‘in the dark,’ wondering how long it could take to get back online and concerned about whether you can meet customer expectations in the meantime.  Replace aging legacy systems with today’s enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions and be confident you can get to the data you need, when you need it, to drive growth.

Aging business technology can increase your chances for business interruption, which can lead to bigger problems.  Download “Technology Accelerates Business Growth: 6 Profitable Reasons To Replace Aging Business Management Systems,” a complimentary eBook, to learn how you can reduce the risk for business interruptions by replacing outdated technology for a more modern solution.

Legacy systems require the attention of a strong IT team to manage multiple licenses, trouble-shoot multiple specialty software, and carefully maintain the customized add-ons or connections between software systems.  Your IT team likely spends more time on making sure the system stays up and running, instead of strategizing new technologies that can support business growth.  In addition, when business operations aren’t aligned with your technology, people begin to develop creative workarounds, such as elaborate spreadsheets that further separate data from central systems.  These workarounds can reduce productivity and lead to redundant data entry, which introduces a new risk: typos and lost data, which then create delays and leads managers to make decisions based on inaccurate data.

Replacing inadequate management systems with a single, integrated ERP solution can improve productivity and free up your IT team.  A single solution is easier and more affordable to maintain than multiple, disparate solutions.  In addition, ERP offers a stronger, open architecture that can handle large volumes of data.  Your team can enter and access data faster and data can be shared for multiple uses, rather than re-entered into different systems for different needs.  An integrated ERP solution can remain aligned with your business needs and grow and change as your business grows and changes.

Legacy systems are unreliable and can introduce the risk for business interruptions.

Download “Technology Accelerates Business Growth: 6 Profitable Reasons To Replace Aging Business Management Systems” and contact MIBAR.net for information about reducing business risks by replacing aging systems with stronger ERP.

Additional ERP Resources

4 Tips for a Painless ERP Solution Replacement

The 5 Risks of Using An Outdated ERP Solution

3 Ways Executives Can Avoid ERP Project Pitfalls

Two ERP Implementation Methodologies Compared